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[[centered]] 22 Fr To Snake run. 1 To Johnson & Livingston forge 1 Youngstown Chesnut ridge 1 1/2 Whetstone tavern [[underlined]] 4[[/underlined]] 7 1/2 [[centered]] 23 Sat Greensburg (turnpike) 6 S Adamsburg 20 L. 5 lav. 6 -------- Grapeville Limestone 4 M Ad.2 12 [[centered]] 24 S. To forking run 3 To Turtle creek 12 [[Gust?]] -------- 15 [[centered]] 25 M To Williamsburg 4 Stonemill 30 h East liberty 1 Lansingburg Byersville Arsenal 5 Pittsburg 1 -------- 11 [[end page]] [[start page]] 53 Ich. Ct. 42 [[ink sketch of a fish with numerical annotations]] + [[right side of page]], p 42[[left side of page]], 10 [[dorsal fin]], 24 [[tail]], 34 [[anal fin]], 7 [[pelvic fin]], 16 [[pectoral fin]] [[/sketch and annotations]] Shad - N.G. Amphiodon, diff Glosso dou par Mach dent - aussi, [[strikethrough]] Clus [[/strikethrough]] [[Thrissa?]] par lang-d. abd. 7 ray. app. [[Carène O.?]] Long. 14 p. diam 3 1/2 ou 1/4 total Écailles grande, Caduques entt argᵗ unp. bleuâtre dors dessus, bleuâtre sous les écailles, dessus de la tête doré. Mach. inf plus longue étroite Dents grosses coniques aigues sur les 2 Mach et la langue, Iris arg. doré, ligne later. imp courtére en bas - Queue égale bleu^[[˜]] bruni, base rougeâtre - Nag dors et au-arg^[[˜]] bleu[[âtre?]] Amphiodon alosoides -- App. de la Mag. abd. g long aigu plat, adipeux.
Transcription Notes:
"au-arg^[[˜]]" is shorthand for "au-argâtre" meaning "goldish and silverish"