Viewing page 24 of 78

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Ich.Ohi.56 ?
[[ink sketch of a fish with numerical annotations]] 36 [[dorsal fin]], 24 [[tail]], 10 [[anal fin]], 9 [[pelvic fin]], 16 [[pectoral fin]] [[/sketch and annotations]] 
Carp 1 1/2 pied Catort. macropterous
Dessus tête oliv.^[[˜]] dessous blanc dos
olivâtre dessous pâle. Nag br- olivâtres
pect oliv^[[˜]]-- abdomen bleuâtre. queue égale fourchue
Shipping [[1 per?]] 4 July 1818

[[short pencil line divides the page]]
[[Ink sketch of a fly]]
Musca misops - Eye's Suckers
Henderson Long 21. noir pieds
fauves yͯ bai   ailes irises -
Dans les bois se jette sur les yeux --

56 [[Pencil and ink sketch of a mushroom/ toadstool?]]
Blanc à volve & anneau haut. 5 pouces dessus tache de gris [[sud?]] la volve

57 [[there is no entry for this number]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[pencil and ink sketch of a fish with details and numerical annotations in pencil]] 58 [[left side of page]], 28 [[dorsal fin]], 24 [[tail]], 12 [[anal fin]], 9 [[pelvic fin]], 16 [[pectoral fin]] [[/sketch and annotations]] 
NG. Amblodun
diss Cat. dents obtusus
Buffaloe fish - 2 p. Brun olivâtre, pâle dessus Nag noirâtres
pect brunes joues blanch, [[peu?]] bones (Shipp. 4 July

[[ink sketch of close-up of fish's head with annotations]]
Os Max  3 ongul
 ---    4 ongul daise
        Black Buff
[[Poisson from?]] St. Louis
[[/sketch and annotations]]
Iris brunis doré ligne droite queue [[le Tole?]]
Tête du [[underlined]] Catostomus [[/underlined]] bubalus Catostomus Amblodun --
Black Buffaloe Henderson
Entt noir plus gris mais sembl en fauve
Va en bandes séparées
50 [[tt?]] gg f. produit les Os obtus Mach.

Transcription Notes:
"oliv^[[˜]]" is shorthand for "olivâtre" meaning "olive-ish" color