Viewing page 26 of 78

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[[ink sketch of fossil coral]]
62 Tubipora
Trun cyl. inégaux [[strikethrough]] au [[/strikethrough]] à peine diaphragm -- déprime

[[ink sketch of fossil coral (?)]]
[[strikethrough]] Tubip [[/strikethrough]]
^[[Guno pora]] plein, 5 - Cyan. déprime pelant lig stries articulé

[[ink sketch of a bed of fossil coral(?)]]
Dyctemn [[strikethrough]] testudaria [[/strikethrough]] NG. flexuolata

65 [[Neravia dyacyaltus?]]  [[Madr. lymphocyats.?]]
[[ink sketch of coral]]
Madrep flexueux ondulé bouche grande infundit.
striée [[ver--ueuse?]]

[[an ink sketch of coral resembling stacked rectangles]]
[[an ink sketch of a circular detail of the above coral]]
Madr. Isis Articulé 
art plat circ. striée enray bouche lat. striée, relevée à laterale solitaire

[[short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketch of coral resembling a clump of short stumps]]
[[Eladustoma?]] gregalis
Dr [[sans?]]. artic moins marquée bouches [[termin?]]

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketch of cylindrical coral]]
Antir brun à bouche relevée au mil. de flexta [[Aplaca?]] [[strikethrough]] [[Trunastus s.?]] Mastrina fusca [[/strikethrough]] fusca

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketch of a circular-shaped coral with annotation]] Encrinites [[/sketch and annotation]]
[[ink sketch of a detail of the above coral]]
Madr. Isis   Articulat striée dentée à la [[strikethrough]] base [[/strikethrough]]
exter. Circumfer.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Louisville falls Dr. Henry McMurtrie
[[three ink drawings showing different sides of coral with annotations]] dessus, ext, int [[/drawings and annotations]]
N. G. Nemorites.

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketch of irregular-sides coral]]
Tubipara Cyl. [[mg s/a?]] aggreg par des append. [[conni---s?]].

[[ink sketch of undulating branch of coral]]
Madr. épais blanc striée [[fit?]] flexueux 
agregé --
Nerania flexuosa

73 Bois unvir petrifi --
Bois blanc Crital. avec écorce.
Verug. liber &
Nerania tostuoso

[[two ink sketches of irregular-edged coral]]
Madr. nig. irreg bosse
[[Cr inf.?]] épaisse ou [[poine?]]

[[three ink sketches showing different sides of a shell]]
T. [[strikethrough]] machine [[/strikethrough]]
[[S?]] Clifford
Turbo 3 pouces, lisse spira relevée
Solarium trachinus

[[ink sketch of a shell]]
Turb. grosses côtés, un lien en sillon -- roux

Transcription Notes:
"Guno pora" may refer to Goniopora, "flowerpot coral."u