Viewing page 28 of 78

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[[ink sketch of fossil coral in oblong shape with rough surface on top]]
Tubip. obt. [[massif.?]] tub.---
dures [[lignes sutile?]] per - égaux
surface tuberculaise

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketch of elongated fossil coral (?) with patterned surface]]
92 N.G. [[Gonorites?]]
[[Eneriata?]] [[nigereuse?]] irreg per 4 [[pouce?]]

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketch of a branch-shaped coral with a second ink sketch showing a cross-section of the end of one of the branches]]
Cladostoma Flexuosa
[[strikethrough]] Madrepora [[/strikethrough]] rugata R
Rougeâtre cyl. 1/2 pouce epais raye transversale [[unpur?]] grand flexueuse ligt. --ramͯ très court simples a l bouche ronde à centre 
[[valve à?]] circulairement

[[ink sketch of a black leech]]
Hirudo [[atenima?]]
Blach Leech Swamps [[strikethrough]] O [[/strikethrough]]
Bayous of Ohio, length 1/2 inch, cuticule black, oblong obtuse

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[centered]] Vers de L'Ohio

95 [[strikethrough]] Oxdaphris [[/strikethrough]] obtusa
[[ink sketch of a worm with a short undulating line above it, possibly an illustration of actual size]]
Hyalin cylind -- obtus [[strikethrough]] tet [[/strikethrough]] milieu du corps à Centre roux dans les articulations. tête et g-non articulée ni rousse / Long 2 l

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketch of a millipede with a smaller depiction next to it, possibly an illustration of actual size]]
N.G. Diplotoma [[strikethrough]] [[ohioasis?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[podostemis?]]
Trouvé avec [[prie-?]] sur les [[pi-nes?]] & le Podostemon [[repas?]] sous l'eau rampons --
Long 2 l - entt. roux obtus, à gg - centi- 
et pieds noir articulés tête et queue bifide, à  2 pet. tentacules --

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketch of a trilobite]]
Falls Ohio
[[strikethrough]] Euryaphus [[/strikethrough]] lobata
Entt - rougeâtre Cours à 2 profond sillons au 20 [[alt?]] & nesse transvers comprise la queue, des gros [[tulons?]] avait les yeux ainsi 
[[ink sketch of four increasingly larger circles in a row, the largest containing a series of short lines with annotation]] oeil [[/sketch and annotation]]
[[ink sketch of a side view of trilobite with annotation]] Trilobites longata [[/sketch and annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
The classification name for millipedes is Diplopoda.