Viewing page 57 of 78

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[[pencil and ink sketch of a Buffaloe Gnat]]
[[small bracket-shaped diagram illustrating the insect's actual size with annotation]] gr [[/diagram and annotation]]
Corp noir[[˜]]. band noir [[strikethrough]] Ail try [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Ailes lrg al à rayes]] brunes
[[strikethrough of pencil note]] Buff Gnat [[/strikethrough]] Buffaloe Gnat
terrible aux Vaches et Chevͯ --
en Juillet, tue les Ch en entrͭ 
dans les Narines, ils tombent
en faiblesse, fuit tomber pr.

[[pencil and ink sketch of a Yellow Gnat]]
[[small bracket-shaped diagram illustrating the insect's actual size with annotation]] gr [[/diagram and annotation]]
Yellow Gnat - 3 ray noires
[[strikethrough]] sul [[/strikethrough]] longit - sur le dos --
entt. jaune, ailes [[lrg a l?]]
jaunâtre, Ab el. Velu
moins mauvais, mais pique fut

[[pencil and ink sketch of a Horse Gnat]]
[[small bracket-shaped diagram illustrating the insect's actual size with annotation]] gr [[/diagram and annotation]]
Horse Gnat  4 Ail verdâtre - rayes
noires [[strikethrough of pencil notes]] rou- e--le f-- [[/strikethrough]] fond brun
piq. sous la tête 4 ailes
Ant. [[recourtiees, par essai intt
Meehaus?]] attaque le Ventre et jambs
extrͭ petit

Falco leucomelas
Sciurus ruber
Ardea fusca
Apis alix
Loxia enucleator
Sitta varia
Sylvig Calendula

220 Ardea fusca Butor brun 15 p[[supterscript]] es [[/superscript]]
Entt- brun foncé, Cou bai derrière
blanchâtre en avant Bec noir, pieds
fauve  Henders. & Missouri --

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Un Autre sans bandes Cyp. trachycephas
222                         Ich. Oh. 58
[[pencil and ink sketch of a fish]]
Brun blanch dessous    Cyprinus S.
Catostomus fasciolatus, pet - [[fasces?]]
nudes --- tête tuber. - presq piquans
Sunfish -- Lamprey   Com Philadͤ
[[notes in pencil]] Eel noir - bl dessous 
4pͩ [[2?]] long [[/notes in pencil]]

[[pencil and ink sketch of an eel and a detail of its fin]]                    Ich. Ohi. 77.
Anguilla laticauda
2 à [[overwritten]] 3 [[/overwritten]] 4 pieds de long, noire dessus, blanc dessous
tête plate, queue large

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
A. nigrescens tota nigra similis
                Tennessee rotundir

[[notes in pencil]] Whitefish - Osmerus albula [[/notes in pencil]]
Whitefish - Osmerus albula 
     in the Wabash
White Chub - Exogloss. argenteum