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[[left margin]] Milk about 1/2 the length of [[were?]] [[shocksless?]] [[/left margin]] [[ink has bled through from opposing side]] Page Clide John B & [[?]] Micheal 6 Carl Henry Instn..... 7. Cooper [[James?]], .... 35. Clark & Street. . . . . 38. Caldwell. William. . . . . 48. Chapin Henry. . . . . . . 50. Thomas Clark. . . . . 38. Carter & Davies . . . . 56. And I of course concluded that it is too fine for the induced current to be generated in it. This fact is one of considerable consequence in the practical repetition of exp. of the kind. Since no doubt a very long wire of considerable thickness would produce a better effect than a thin one of the same length particularly in case of [[strikethrough]] [[unga?]] [[/strikehthrough]] galvance induction since the action is on all bodies, at considerable distance. ____________________ Exp 3rd Gave the shock to Schmitt from the long helix on the flat coil No 3 and afterward from the same helix placed within coil No 2 Tho feeling discribed was that in [[strikethrough]] [[?]][[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion] the first [[/insertion]] case the shock was felt higher up in the arms but in the second greater pain was produced. _________ Exp 4 attached the small red magnet to the Thermal battery with hot iron, & salt and snow below the magnet would support the small armature of the cast iron magnet but not the 7th armature of my 1st made magnet. M. Mathias of London has made [[magnets?]] by Thermo-Electricity { N.B The same magnet can be rendered magnetic by the [[magnet-Elec machine?]] [[underline]] Note [[/underline]] The small cylindrical battery would not act this morning examined it found that the reduced metal had been deposited along the