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sticks which separate the Zinc and [[underlined]] Copper [[/underlined]] and thus prevented the action May [[underlined]] 26th 1838 [[/underlined]] [[left margin]] Exp 1 [[/margin]] Made a metallic thermometer with wire from the end of the spiral dipper [[dipped?]] into pool of mercury after the manner of [[Dida Reeds?]] arrangement. A current of galvanium set through but the effect was not very striking. Thermo electricity produced no actions or in other words with this instrument gave no indication of a current of heat. [[left margin]] Exp 2 [[/margin]] Repeated the experiment with the electrical machine. 1st wires 4 inches apart Large Jar [[slow?]]-needle magnetized slightly contrary direction. 2nd smaller charge needle more strongly magnetized -- 3rd Large Jar + battery needle magnetized in the same direction -- with the wires 2 inches apart magnetism stronger same direction. These exp. in keeping with those made in Phil[[superscript]]ad[[/superscript]]. [[Philadelphia abbreviation]] where with the large battery the secondary current was always found in the same direction with the primary [[left margin]] Exp 4 [[/margin]] Decomposition produced with the secondary current for the long helix with the apparatus of Clarkes machine--with Faradays vol [[caruche??]] no decomposition could be obtained. The other article has very fine points resembling almost the g[[^u]]arded ones of Wallastor. [This exp. was made yesterday] [[left margin]] Exp 5 [[underline]]th [[/underline]][[/margin]] Repeated the exp. for determining the direction of the needle with galvanic currents. Found as before that the secondary current is always in the same direction as the battery current no change of direction observed It would [[best guess]]appear[[/best guess]] [[small tear in page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Fairbanks [[Joshua?]] . . 54. [[Fonda?]], & [[?]] . . . . 9. Ford [[James?]] [[?]] Fairfield Archibald . . . 76 [[above list is underlined]] from the circumstance of the [[best guess]]penumbracy[[/best guess]] of the direction of the 2nd current by galvanism that it resembles in its action [[strikethrough]] cor [[/strikethrough]] a heavy charge of common electricity since with Dr Hare's battery no [[strikethrough]] action [[/strikethrough]] charge [[change?]] is perceptible. [[underline]] [[/underline]] May 29th Exp 1 Put [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] the large battery to the large magnet -- sustained 3587 lbs [[strikethrough]] attached [[/strikethrough]] with the compound lever attached without [[and?]] the acid on one occasion for about a 1/4 oz a minute, 1500 lbs were supported without the action of the acid, or in other words when the connection with the battery was broken. [[underline]] [[/underline]] Exp-- applied iron filings to a [[plate?]] were rendered red hot by the galvanic current -- adhesion took place and continued until the filings were melted to the wire [[set in large parentheses]] Try if the attraction will take place between melted iron and the wire -- Also the attraction of [[ampre?]] between two wires both white hot [[/set in large parentheses]] [[underline]] [[/underline]] Exp Placed two coiles paralel to each other. [[image - two pairs of circles with concentric inner circles stacked on top of each other like an eight]] Each coil was about 2 feet in diameter the one formed of coil (ribbon) No 1 and No 2. the other of coil No 3 No 4 [[4 written over a 3]]. The coils were gradually separated and needles made magnetic.