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action extends to some considerable distance this however may only be of sufficient intensity to produce shock by means of the long helix
   Try the third current with the
1  apparatus of tin foil in spirals[?] within and without
   Try Interference of currents of
2  different orders
3  Try Interference of magnetic
  Iron in one coil

July 20 [[superscript]]th [[/superscript]]
Exp on the interference of currents of different orders
1 Arranged Coil no 1 for the 1 [[superscript]]st [[/superscript]] or battery current put on this coil no 3, under it coil No 4; attempted to pass them through long helix No 2, but the electricity was not sufficiently intense.
2 Joined the two currents to Coil no 2  [[image - two coils with joining wires]] When the currents passed in the same direction the shock was quite intense when the ends of the ribbons were crossed then there was no action  Complete interference of two currents from the same source

[[blank space on page]]

The more wave [?] sent through a wire by induction also produces a current by induction in an other wire and hence it must also be under the same influence.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[begin table - two columns]]
[[column 1]]
[...........................] Page
M[?]ine Jones [?]..............3.
Morgan O'Henry.................19.
Mc[?]. Gregor. John & Alexander.28.
Mc. Gregor. John.................39.
Ma[?]. Jonnes[?]...............40.
Mawalt[?]. John Jun[ior?]......70.
Maber. Peter & Simeon..........74.
Mc. Cabe [?] Thomas,...........73.
Mc. Gorshoen[?] & Williams.....80.[?]
Mc. Queen Robert...............18.
[[end column 1]]
[[begin column 2]]
[...........................] Page
Lawrence. John................20.
Logan Sheldon. Esq. Y.........51.
Lands. T......................59.
[[end column 2]]
[[end table]]

Exp. 2nd. Sent the [[^]]secondary[[/^]] current from the large helix which was inclosed in coil "2 through the fu[?] app[?], with [[small diagram in left margin]] a spiral of tin foil on the outside, and in magnetized needle, not very intensely by markedly found the direction of the tertiary current the same as that of the primary[.] Hence the action of the secondary current is pracicly [?] the same as that of a discharge of common electricity and with the experiment of yesterday shows that there is a neutral noise[?] & that the current changes its direction.
Repeated this exp. on the 21st July with the same result needle fee[?] ([?])
Exp. 3rd The interferance with magnetism.
Placed coil No. 2 in connection with that batter; helix No. 1 within this, and helix No. 2 within this [?]. Shocks of course could be obtained from the 2nd helix when the ends of Helix No. 1 were not joined. When [[strikethrough]]the new[?][[/strikethrough]] several pieces of iron were placed in, the shock was more intense -- When the ends of helix No. 2 were joined, the streaming[?] influence was produced but not to such a degree as to [[strikethrough]]des[[/strikethrough]] neutralize all action a higher shock could be felt. but when the iron was in this shock was much greater.
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
The character before the s in 'bass' appears to be made the same way as the character before the s in 'crossed' and appears to be the old-style double-s character, followed by a normal s.