Viewing page 10 of 165

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[[start table of names and page numbers in different hand]]
Risley Daniel....................12
Roosevelt James..................25
Ruby [[?]].......................45
Richards John....................21.
Runkin [[?]].....................20.
[[end table]]

Exp 3 Several spheres of the rope separated to the distance of about an inch from each other
needle in wrapped end which is nex the battery needle highly mags direction [[strikethrough]]N[[/strikethrough]] current [[underscore]]reverse[[/underscore]]

slightly mag. N " [[ditto current]] reverse

strand slightly more
[[?]]     no magnectism[[?]]

magnetism very slight if any

[[small score denoting section break]]

Exp 4 Put helix on single wire which is in the midst of the strands of the other
1       needle mag N slightly current adverse
2  small shock strongly N current adverse
3  small shock 10[[degree symbol]] strong N -- adverse 
4  Removed the rope strand with [[strikethrough]]all[[/strikethrough]] its end to the distance of 2 feet upwards magnetism strong [[insertion]][[subscript]]^[[/subscript]]S[[/insertion]] current in the direction of battery current

[[score across page denoting section break]]

Exp 5
5  Rope of wires brought down to the same place needle [[underscore]]slight[[/strikethrough]] mag N = current  [[underscore]]adverse[[/underscore]]
6  Same as above discharge strong
   no magnetism perceptible -
7  same as above charge feeble[[?]]
   mag N current [[underscore]]adverse[[/underscore]] 
8  Arrangt same as above except ends of the wire open
   no magnetism  NB The rope was stil above
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[start table of names and page numbers in different hand]]
Stevens Barret G. [[?]]............29.
Shap. Robert & John................31.
Stereat[[?]] Alexanders Ville......67
Shanse[[?]]. John, [[long dash]]   31.
Swank John,........................74
[[end table]]

arrangement the same as the last mag N-
current [[underscore]]adverse[[/underscore]] [[long dash]] distance feeble
mag [[underscore]] [[?]] [[/underscore]]

[[underscore denoting section break]]

Exp 5 Rope [[best guess]]shoved up[[/best guess]] charge [[underscore]]small[[/underscore]]

[[underscore]]1[[/underscore]] needle mag strong So[[underscore]]uth[[/underscore]] current [[underscore]]direct[[/underscore]]
2 Rope down mag not quite as strong S. current direct discharge feeble
3 change still less mag N - [[space]]  reverse
3 change still smaller (30 turns) N  [[space]]  reverse
4 change still less (20 turns) N  [[space and faint score]] reverse
5 change smaller (10 turns) N  [[space]]  reverse
[[indented]]stronger -
6 same as before (10 turns (no magnet. .
  rope circuit shut
7 same except rope open mag N -  [[space]] reverse

[[underscore denoting section break]]

Ex 6 Rope [[best guess]]put up[[/best guess]] small change
1 mag feeble S - current [[space]] direct
2 same longer [[larger?]] charge mag strong
  south -    --    direct

It is evident from the above expt that the mere proximity of the the [[repeated word]] rope coil changes the direction of the current in the single wire -- and that the intensity of the magnetism is stronger with the same small charge when thus[[?]] reversed then when direct
[[end page]]