Viewing page 26 of 165

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[[double underlined]] 12 [[/underlined]]
Dr David
1798 Dec |11|To Sundris as fr. Waste Book, 6..........|2||250|7|2
99 Jany |29|To ditto [[ditto for: Sundris]]
... " [[ditto for: as fr. Waste Book, 6]]
   Feby |15|To Axis... " [[ditto for: as fr. Waste Book, 6]]...|7||2|17|--
   May  |8|To Sundris... " [[ditto for: as fr. Waste Book, 6]]...|9||170|10|2
   July |29|To a note of hand " [[ditto for: as fr. Waste Book, 6]]...|13||34|4|~
        |"[[ditto for: 29]]|To Interest on do [[ditto for: note of hand]] ......
|" [[ditto for: 13]]||-|14|2
  Octbr |2|To ditto "[[dittos for: Interest on note of hand]]......|15||2|9|8
        | |          | ||£581|0|2
[[double line across page]]
1801 June |18| To Tobacco as fr Waste Book.....|54||7|7|~
[[double line across page]]
Oct 15th [[underlined]] continued [[/underlined]]
[[image - large ring suspended in a frame on a desk]]
Next arranged two single rings of covered wire, each about or nearly 4 feet in diameter 
With a small charge the magnetism was tolerably strong and in the direct direction.
[[underlined]] direct [[/underlined]]
With a large charge, the current was in the same direction but very feeble.
Again with a strong charge, magnetism the same but very feeble direct 
Again with a small discharge the magnetism was strong and possibly the elect did not make the whole circuit, and went back small distance as there was a [[lack?]] [[?]] to the [[underlined]] adverse [[/underlined]] wire
again with small charge adverse
again with small charge [[underlined]] direct [[/underlined]]
with large charge
NB appeared to touch direct
- small charge [[underlined]] direct [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Risley Cr

1799 March|8|By Sunidris as fr. Waste Book ......|8||1|18|~
     April|18|By an order on Mr Trotter, ."[[ditto for: As fr. Waste Book]]....|8||30|0|~
     May  |13|By Cash ..."[[ditto for: Mr. Trotter]]..."[[ditto for: fr Waste Book]] ...|10||42|0|~
     July |18|By ditto [[ditto for: Cash]]..."[[ditto for: Mr Trotter]]..."[[ditto for: fr Waste Book]]....|11||248|0|~
       "[[ditto for: July]] |29|By a payment.."[[ditto for: on Mr Trotter]]..."[[ditto for: fr Waste Book]]....|13||24|0|~
     Octbr|2|By a Draft on Mr Trotter...
"[[ditto for: fr Waste Book]]...|15||213|2|6
1800 March|4|By Sundris, "[[ditto for: on Mr Trotter]] ..."[[ditto for: fr Waste Book]]....|30||21|19|8
[[horizontal line indicating total sum]]
          | |            | ||£581|0|2
[[double horizontal line]]
          | |By my order paid......|70||7|7|~
[[double horizontal line]]
It would appear from the exp of today that in all cases with a double current, the current is [[underlined]] adverse [[/underlined]] but with a single wire, as the conductor of the discharge, the induced current at the same distance is direct.

It is possible that the cutting across may have some influence on the last results, since the wires were separated by corks. To test this properly, it will be necessary to pass the wire carrying the discharge through glass tubes.

{Try the effect of a single wire for the discharge and a compound one for the induction.

[[image - a pentagon hanging on a frame]]

Transcription Notes:
For the ledger tables at the top of the pages, vertical lines are denoted by '|'. Dr = Debit?