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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 2 bottom of the second to the bottom of the third is 6 feet and five inches; and from the bottom of the third to its top is [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/stikethrough]] 8 feet and 2 inches, making in the agregate [[strikethrough]] 16 1/4 [[/strikethrough]] 20 feet 0 Dip [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] 1 1/2 - exact average [[S?]] - The fi^[[insertion]] r [[/insertion]]st section, 5° + 5', is a dark colored shale at the bottom, slightly calciferous, but becoming gradually more and more calciferous, until, at the top it has all the characteristics of the Tully Limestone. The second section, 6° + 5', though infinite a compact stratum, has, in weathering, an appearance of being thin - bedded. It seems scarcely fissile along planes of stratification. Some blocks along the mill = branch, indicate planes of
Transcription Notes:
when you reach the bottom of the first page, write [[end page]]. Then write [[start page]] and continue transcribing. Dont need [[end page]] at the very end.