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Section of the falls in the woods east of Chase Sawmill

1- 62 feet fall from the foot of the falls proper to the creek at the Mill.
2- 15 1/3 feet from the base of the Limestone to the foot of the Falls.
3- 63 from base of the Limestone to its top in Genesee Shale.
About 6 feet, at top, of Argillaceous Limestone.
A thin stratum of Argillaceous Limestone, Shaly, at about 51 [[overwritten]] 0 [[/overwritten] feet.
Several of the Strata have [[strikethrough]] been [[/strikethrough]] a thin seam of Argillite between


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There are several partial falls through the Limestone, from 3 inches to six feet
The above results were obtained by leveling from my eye,
when standing erect, 5° + 2' ; and, as the channel is very tortuous, may, possibly, vary a little from the exactness of a level with a graduated rod, and rod-man: but it is very nearly correct.

Transcription Notes:
There is no page number written on these pages (should be no. 36)