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[[strikethrough]] Fri [[/strikethrough]]
Tully, Onondaga Co., N.Y., -
Friday, a.m. Sept. 14, 1888, I revisit Weingartner's for specimens.
Got a good lot of specimens.
In the p.m. I visited a fall, east of Weingartner's, on the assurance of Horace King Esq'r, that it was made in Tully Limestone. Before reaching it, I found the Genessee
shale in force; and, on reaching the fall, I found just what
I anticipated, a fall over Portage Sandstones!
Mr King has very thoroughly read [[Dmna?]]; but reading cannot inform a man how to distinguish a rock by its appearance.
Observation through the eye alone can do this.
Cummings's farms are in Lot [[strikethrough]] 60 [[/strikethrough]] 59, Preble, Cortland Co., N.Y.