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   Heard dog bark so headed down through brush country to try to get matches. found farm. Young man about six-one digging for water pipe. Gave me a few matches took me to house to get more. was nice place for south grass lawn, paint etc. He was cleancut, had fathomless brown eyes, pupils extending above and below lids.
   Found trail again and followed, came to Cane Creek gap and realized had turned wrong way Turned around and reached Wood Gap Walked mile to Natal [[insertion in different hand and blue ink]] Suches [[/insertion]] (?) to store, bought dollars worth gave me sugar from house. nice people, back to trail up mtn to lookout. 
[[blue pencil]] (same day) [[/pencil note]] Morning thru Gooch Gap up to lookout then around
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[underline]] Tower [[strikethrough]] seemed [[/strikethrough]]. (fooled me [[/underline]].
on Mtn. saw two deer bounding ahead on trail, white tails flashing, Grouse flew little later, past 
[[margin note, in black pencil]] 4 [[/margin note]] sunset another deer jumped Reached edge of hill farm at dark. pitched tent in brush. Thunderstorm at night, hard and long. Rather cold with only one blanket.
[[blue pencil line to separate following text]]
[[blue pencil note ?]] [[date in black pencil and circled]] 8 [[date]] Rose and cooked cornmeal. Man with mule smelled smoke, talked to him and then left on trail, passing many piles of cordwood Stopped at spring and forgot rainhat, walked back half mile for it. Came to steep grade and climbed to top of [[blue pencil strikethrough]] Blood [[/strikethrough]] [[blue pencil correction]] Blood [[/correction]] Mtn. vast view. Rock cabin on top took pictures.

Transcription Notes:
Disregard former page edit about name of gap. On this page it is clearly Cane.