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14) In morning saw wild turkey cross trail and go up mtn. about 6:00 PM. Came to leanto and stayed washed clothes etc. Looked like rain ^[[insertion, black ink]] which [[/insertion]] came in night outening fire. ________________________________ [[circle date]] 15 [[/date]] Spent morning trying to dry clothes. Wood so damp [[insertion, black ink]] it [[/insertion]] will hardly burn [[on ?]] hot fire [[begin black ink]] About 1:00 PM. Came to Wesser Bald Tower. Man in tower insisted I stay over so I remained till following morning. Fog and rain all afternoon and night. Fed me and we talked [[end page]] [[start page]] whole time. Had discussion till about 1:00 AM. before sleeping ______________________ [[circled date, in blue]] 16 [[/blue date]] [[circled date in black pencil]] 16 [[/black date]] In morning he said: "We fit about three wars, and I enjoyed ^[[insertion, blue pencil]] every bit of [[/insertion]] it. Left about 8:15 reluctantly. At Wesser, [[insertion, blue pencil]] passed Wesser shelter. [[/insertion]] caught ride to Bryson City and bought 3 rolls Kodachrome. Hitched back and started off. Missed turnoff from railroad and finally climbed side of Nantahala Gorge till reached trail. Camped on ridge. [[insertion, blue pencil]] rough climb [[/insertion]] [[blue line]]_______________ [[circled date, black pencil]] 17 [[/black date]] [[circled date, blue pencil]] 17 [[/blue date]] [[strikethrough, blue circled date]] 16 [[/strikethrough]] Rose at 6:30, cooked and left about 7:30. Came to road near Cheoah and am hitching to town to mail package and film.