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[[start of page]] Bald from Parsons Bald across Sheep Pew Gap. Took picture to south of mountains. Also to West of Tennessee. Then North to the Smokies. Took BW of sign. Ate lunch and siestad for one hour. Less than half mile away was Moore Spring Shelter, practically perfect camp. Took pictures and left at 2:15 P.M. Hiked steadily all afternoon, took flower pictures and one of campsite at "field". Decided to try reach shelter at Spence field. Arrived by moonlight very tired. Place was a mess, all sorts of grub [[end of page]] [[start of page]] and refuse scattered round. Was stiff and sore but relaxed as I made fire and cooked chow. Slept in shelter fairly comfortable night.[[blue ink line]] [[circled]]20[[/circled]] Rose late Sunday morn and left at about 8:30 after taking pictures. Arrived Thunderhead Mtn. and took shot toward Tennessee. Should arrive Clingman's Dome (14 1/2 miles) today. Decided instead to stop at Siler's Bald, arrived about 3:15 and washed clothes, began putting zipper on blanket and other chores. [[blue ink line]] [[circled]]21[[/circled]]. Started Monday morning at 6:45, expecting to cover lot of ground today. Weather yesterday was clear and warm. Today looks the [[end of page]]