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[[start page]] A mile and half on forest suddenly opened vista to North took pic. About 5 miles from Davenport Gap came to lookout took 3 pics one of last stretch of Smokies. One of Mt. Sterling and one of buttressed trail. Arrived at Gap about 6:00 PM. Went down steep ravene thru backyd. down walk to road. Talked to fellas at bridge. Went across cable bridge. Man hailed me, Talked, [[awhiled?]] Carried pack up mtn [[end of page]] [[start of page]] Came down and walked to Mt. Sterling. bought groceries, stopped at man's place at bridge. They insisted I spend night [[blue line]]. [[circled]] 23 [[/circled]] Left in morn about 6:00. Lost trail about [[circled in pencil]] 23 [[/circled]] [[/changed ink color]] 8:00, found it again, about 10:00. [[insertion]] (spanish oak) [[/insertion]] Trail poorly marked. Snarled several times. Toward eve passed grassy mtn. and up road. Cooked chow and walked by moonlight. Finally camped at NC. Tenn line at juncture of Pisgah and Cherokee Forests. in hollow above large stump. [[blue line]] [[circled]]24[[/circled]] In morn found trail [[end of page]]