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turn and about 1 mile on stopped and cooked breakfast. Another mile on came to Walnut Mtn Shelter. Farther on got snarled on logging trails. [[change of ink color]]
Arrived Hot springs about 5:00, shaved in bush before going down. AT leads down main St. over bridge over French Broad River. Drug store had no color film. Bought groceries about $3.00 total (my aching back. Stopped on porch of house on mtn. Talked to kid and woman. Told me about bearded old man who stopped there, now gone, Also about bearded young
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man some years back who wrote and received much mail.
Traveled on till about 8:30 and [[insertion]] dry [[/insertion]] camped on trail, with fire. [[pencil insertion]] whip poor will all night[[/ pencil insertion]]
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[[strike through]]24[[/strike through]]
In morning walked half hour to nice Spring and cooked breakfast. At 9:30 arrived at leanto. Hours lost near Waterville have thrown me off schedule. [[pencil insert]] Talked to root digger [[/pencil insert]] Continued on to route 70 at Gap. Caught ride to town to get film, took 3 hrs. Went on to Camp Creek Bald Tower and stayed there overnight with Towerman.
[[blue ink line dividing days' entries]]
[[strike through]]25[[/strike through]]
Left in morning at 7:30 reluctantly. Arrived Chestnut Log Gap at abandoned Cabin about 10:00. Took pics [[end page]]