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[[start page]] Wrote poem. Went on over good terrain rest of morn. Passing down long grassy inclined ridge, came to lonely grave of soldier. Just then four people, 3 fellas and a girl came by in opposite direction. Came to dirt road later on and from then on trail became rough. Went all afternoon thru farm section, crawling over more fences than in all previous trip. Feet began hurting. Bathed in stream. Plodded on and reached hard road at dusk. Camped under pines at spring by road cooking over small fire. 27 [[blue line dividing days' entries]] In morning (Monday)[[strike through]]26[[/strike through]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[27 written in pencil]] continued through briar and barb wire country without breakfast following line playing tag with Tenn. Finally reached spring and cooked heavy meal. Soon trail swung into clear up [[insertion]] Beauty Spot [/insertion]] [[strike through]] Bald [[/strikethrough]] mountain from which I took picture back over farm district, one west toward N.E. Tenn and one to north showing trail out over grass knoll. Very fine view from this peak. [[strikethrough]]Went on passing Ram Mtn. in afternoon. Had trouble finding trail, it followed road north. Walked on by moonlight till 9:00 PM. at Rattlesnake pass where road veers into Tenn. Found hollow and bedded[[/strikethrough]] [[end page]]
Transcription Notes:
Second transcribed paragraph crossed out by author.