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[[strikethrough]] down behind big chestnut stump on slope above road.
Left early in morn and passed Walnut Mtn shelter an hr. later. Traveled more rough terrain and finally camped dry along trail at high level, building fire against rock. Fairly comfortable night. In morning [[/strikethrough]]
Later on came to Nolickucky river at Unaka Sprs and crossed RR. bridge, 
Went on up other side and up canyon to abandon house and camped above under hemlocks. Many whip-poorwills, one sitting close so I shone his eyes 
[[blue line separating days' entries]]
In morning went on and came to road at [[intersection?]] [[circled]] 28 [[/circled]] Followed it considerable
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distance and finally came to burned over land where blazes show again. Went thru  Unaka Mtn. thru briars (rough) and came to little town, stopped store, followed Simerly Creek road, turned off and bedded on hill.
[[blue line separating days' entries]]
In morning went back to road and followed to hard road which [[circled]] 29 [[/circled]] I [[circled]] 28 overwritten by 29 [[/circled]] followed to Hampton.  Had shoes resoled, went up wrong road and got off trail.  Passed Watauga dam, came to store.  Man told me about trail [[insertion]] over mtn [[/insertion]] so I turned off. Went up mtn and found cabin, where I bedded on front porch.
[[blue line separating days' entries]]
[[insertion]]raining persistently[[/insertion]
In morning raining [[circled]] 30 [[/circled]]