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Talked to tower man till 9 P.M. Showed me where Tenn. Va. N.C. overlap. Took picture of mtn. showing this. Also "white top" where radio station is, later took [[insertion]][[written in pencil]] pic [[/insertion]] odd sunset. [[strikethough over blue line]] Camped by spring mile down road, expecting storm but no rain came. [[blue line separating days' entries]] Left in morn. Sun. May 2, about seven thirty. Trail very [[written in pencil:circle]]2[[/circle]] [[written in ink: circle]]2[[/circle]] nice thru morning. Saw two black snakes both seven or 8 ft. long. Took pictures of first. Toward evening trail crossed hard road and followed grassy ridge. Came to canyon where many streams come together, following road. Kept on till 7:30 to reach [[end page]] [[start page]] higher dryer ground. Wind had begun to blow. Camped on narrow ridge under small pines. Wind rose during night. In morning it was more like march than May. [[blue line separating days' entries]] [[circle]]3[[/circle]] [[written in pencil: circle]]3[[/circle]] Rose at 6:15 and packed hurriedly. Stopped later at old cabin [[insertion]] in grass field [[/insertion]] to cook breakfast in sheltered spot. Trail continued along grass covered ridge [[insertion]] (wind very strong) [[/insertion]] took picture showing snake fences. Approached LO tower at dusk and continued down past when saw "no visitor" signs. [[insertion]] near road [[/insertion]] Bedded under pines. [[blue line dividing days' entries]] [[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]] [[circle]]4[[/circle]] Rose about 6:15, cold and gusty. followed trail down well watered valley. Came to farm. Talked to Jackson, man who had done forest work. Trail followed road, walked with man. Trail turned [[end page]]