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up ridge and followed summit till overlooking Bylleysby dam.  Took pic then went down.  followed RR about five miles, to Fries, lost trail and finally man took me roundabout to Galax, where I took room in Tourist home.  It was rainy all day.  At evening pouring down.  Storm due from Ohio, where they had tornado.  Today is one month on the trail, have covered about one fourth.  Hope to increase mile average.  Arrived at Galax at dark, raining very hard.  Decided to get room.  Stayed at tourist home, very comfortable.  Wrote letter to Ann and three cards one to [[Wade?]]
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Left at 6:30.  Mailed letter and cards.  Left town on route 89.  following marks.  [[circle]] 5 [[/circle]] Turned off on 97.  Trailsigns for several miles.  Assumed trail followed to parkway.  Walked on to parkway about noon.  Am very happy to be heading north again.  Must be the weather which is fair with NW wind, promising a spell of nice weather.  Sang as I hiked, people must think I'm slap happy.  Parkway very nice, newly coated with black top. follows divide.  Stopped at twelve thirty for lunch as usual.  Took four pics along parkway, one of L.O. has "Pilot" mtn. in hazy distance.