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Trail crosses back & forth over parkway following dirt roads. Toward evening veers away to West. Finally camped in woodland under pines. Man I met along road said I had walked about 27 miles today. Very tired feet hurting considerable. Dreamt a lot during night always about trail that slid away and never ended. [[blue line dividing days' entries]] 6) Rose at 5:45 and cooked oatmeal. Left about 6:45. Trail continued monotonously along roads til surprisingly it finally turned to a trail. Went down steeply and there directly ahead was "Pinnacles of Dan. (Took Pic) Went on down and was surprised to see that trail went up over pinnacles. Very tough going. Took [[end page]] [[start page]] several pictures, could have taken dozens in any direction. Trail went over very tip and down other side, buck laurel blooming on every side. Trail very steep and dangerous. Surprised trail routed there. Finally reached river and trail went straight up other side of canyon. Just as difficult as Pinnacles. Began raining lightly as I neared top. Trail broke out on level ground, raining heavier now. Passed "Bursted Rock" fog rolling up like at "Standing Indian. Went on and on finally reached hard road, looking for store, supplies very low. Went up and then dirt road and at dark camped in woods. Made hasty framework and [[end page]]