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built fire. About 1 AM. wind rose from other direction and rain poured. Had to pull down frame and huddle under poncho, keeping fire going. Very rugged. Sky finally cleared and put up poncho as windbreak and kept fire till morn. [[blue line separating days' entries]] 7) Started early, turned to side once and saw fox watching me. He wheeled away when I moved and light shone on gray fur. Dropped down to spring, cooked breakfast shaved and washed underwear + socks. Went on and about 11:30 stopped to talk to man plowing in field. (Mr. Handy) He was swell guy, invited [[end page]] [[start page]] me to dinner. His son psycho from army. Dinner was ham, gravy, cornbread, stewed dried apples, milk etc. yum! yum! Ate tremendous. Talked till about 3:30 finally left reluctantly. Wind rising and very cold. wore poncho, some rain. Came to "Meadows Dan" bought in store and talked a while. Finally left, came to parkway and decided to walk on to Rocky knob. walked by starlight, arriving 9:30 and slept in shelter on top of knob. [[blue line separating days' entries]] [[7 in circle overwritten as 8]] [[8 in circle]] Took 2 pics Sat. morn and left after breakfast. Promptly strayed from trail after crossing parkway and walked several extra