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miles. Came to hard road and followed it to AT crossing. Decided to follow Parkway a while since trail parallels it on dirt roads and its easier walking on grass along P-way.
Had only gone about a mile when gov. car stopped and a fella asked if I wanted a ride. Refused as usual. He then asked if I'd talk a while. He pulled over and we had a long gabfest. He was Bill Lord, Park Ranger stationed in Floyd, VA. comes from Cleveland. We discussed photography, flowers and just about everything else. He invited me to his place if I ever get thru here again. Swell guy - I figure if I ever
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tried to look up all my friends, I'd die of old age somewhere along the way. While we talked fire truck came along, stopped and smoke chaser joined discussion. After they left I went on and about 7 P.M. came to Smart View park and stayed the night there. Ate so much supper my stomach hurt, so evidently I do have a limit. [[insert in blue]]Talked to a couple who summer in Maine.[[/insert in blue]]
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------------------------------------------(9)In morning shaved etc. in comfort station, wanting to look half respectable for Sunday. Went on about 9 A.M. and followed parkway As expected, traffic was heavy in afternoon and everybody stared. I had decided to stay on trail to avoid this