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but missed the turn, so followed parkway. At noon felt sleepy and slept under pines which was a mistake. Woke up feeling rocky and had tough time getting going. Smoke chaser came along and gave me orange, which helped. Swell guy. In afternoon many cars passed, and I thot how I must look, my dark sunburn and long black hair standing up in the wind making me appear like a Figi islander needing a haircut. Finally I noticed trail on road parallelling parkway and turned onto it, vowing to stick to it. Should arrive
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where trail turns off this evening, this side of Roanoke. 
[[underlined]] May 10.[[/underlined]] Trail turned on dirt road and after veering away from parkway. Followed on up and bedded in woods for the night. Feel sick on the stomach and weak. Spent rather uneasy night dreaming a lot.
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Rose at 6:30 and cooked oatmeal. Went on, feeling still weak. Trail cuts off into State forest, up into high timbered ridges. Hoping to reach Salem vicinity by afternoon sometime. Passed FM radio station (Roanoke) in afternoon and about 5 PM arrived at Glenvar, about five miles from Salem, which is outside of Roanoke. Too late for