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post office to be open so I decide not to go to Salem tonight. Went into little lunch room. Irish lady proprietor. Asked for hamburger [[with]] onion she says want lettuce and tomato too. I said okey, give it everything. Sandwich was so thick could hardly bite it, but good. Went on up mtn. several miles till found camp spot, decided to walk to next road and catch ride back to Salem rather than walk back down to Glenvar. Mosquitoes and other bugs very bad, must get dope and netting. [[blue line separating days' entries]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 11) In morning(Tues) on trail at 7 oclock. Steep grade to top of mtn. up luxurient valley. Came to tiny old cabin at top near spring that man at Glenvar store had told me about. Trail came to road and I turned to right and followed along ridge. Heard hiss and noise and saw big snake. Thought it was rattler but had no rattles probably was puff adder. Killed it - was 5 1/2 ft. Came to shanty and knocked on door to ask for water. Man came and immediately jumped on me, said was game refuge. Finally quieted