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down and let me have water. Directed me how to reach route 311.
Followed CC road, finally arrived and hitchhiked to town, no mail. Got supper in restaurant, got hair cut, got insect repellent and netting. Caught ride out and resumed trail up Catawba mtn. Camped by waterfall.
[[blue line separating days' entries]] 12) Left in morn about 7:30. Near top of Catawba saw woodchuck scramble up tree, took picture. Further on came to old farm. took picture of house. When I came close woodchuck whistled so loud he startled me.
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Found handful of wild strawberries - delicious.
Stopped at 12:30 for chow and it began to rain. Came out on ridge overlooking resevoir, rocky and narrow. Several buzzards flew from rocks. Followed on out raining harder, finally about 5:30 came to route 220, went along it to branch off and followed dirt road. Stopped in woods above lumber yd. and make shelter in top of felled pine tree, rugged but passable, cooked spaghetti and biscuit. Not much sleep until toward morning rained heavily. 
[[blue line separating days' entries]]
Had stopped