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first - turtleback, second - needle's eye - or fat man's [[strikethrough]] trouble ? [[/strikethrough]] third. Buzzard's roost, nest there. 
Coming down road four cars came along, stopped, driving first car Prof. Freer of Lynchburg College, Pres of " [[Lynchburg]] hiking club. Talked, introduced me to all kids, took my picture (glad I shaved this morn). Nice gang. [[strikethrough]] Went on [[/strikethrough]] Tentative invite to show slides next autumn. Went on to P-way and north to intercept trail. Cut trail on Apple Orchard Mtn. and went on up to fire tower. None there so I went on down and proceeded along trail till sunset and bedded down on top of
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a peak. Had no supper since all the eatable I have is half a pd. of bacon the tower man at Peaks of Otter game me. otherwise I have baking powder, salt and some baking chocolate but no sugar to make it palatable. Figure need bacon in morn -
[[blue line separating days' entries]]
[[circled]] 15 [[/circled]]Rose early after a fairly good night, without fire, and followed trail. About seven stopped and fried bacon, which was delicious. Now will proceed force march to nearest store. Followed nice trail all morn - to sight of James River, took picture. Trail follows ridge shown path goes thru Rhododendron on down to Snowden bridge
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