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me to go to Newspaper office in Waynesboro. Camped near Gap below parkway. Washed pants so would look presentable.
[[blue line separating days' entries]]
In morn - shaved. Caught ride to town. Paper (Mr. Hersey - M Ed. had phoned P.O. (when I picked up mail) to tell me to come right over.
Was interviewed, fotog drove me up to gap and took pics. Ranger Johnson came by, knew my name. Talked about an hour. Finally set out on trail about 11:15, very good trail, weather[[end page]]
[[start page]] fair and cool. Decided try for 20M to shelter at Black Rock Gap. Arrived after sundown. Very nice stone shelter good spring, cooked corn bread and beef soup.
[[blue line separating days' entries]]
Rose in more about 6 Left at 7:15. Sang Lullaby Yodel as I hiked. My voice must terrify wild things. A grouse hen fluttered on trail ahead; chirping pitifully and acting crippled. Seconds later tiny brown chicks went scurrying from underfoot; cheeping like tiny peeps

Transcription Notes:
Both of these pages are blue ink written on top of original pencil manuscript. There ARE some differences in the two. For example, at end of second page, pencil reads "...chirping pitifully and making a great disturbance..." which doe not appear in the ink version.