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Only time I've ever seen such flee. alway stay hidden.
  Mother came back within a few feet ruffling her feathers and ready to fight. I'm convinced she would have tackled me if I had hurt chicks. Grouse usually are very wild. If she could have known my thoughts she would have proudly lined up her brood for a picture.
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[[in pencil]] So I am convinced by booming base does indeed terrify wild things. If that mother grouse could   known what I was thinking at the time, I'll bet she's have proudly lined up her little flock to have their pictures taken. [[/pencil]]
   Toward noon trail leaves woods & follows grass covered ridge beautiful panoramas everywhere Wind blowing very cold from W. face feel frostbitten.
   Arrived Ranger Stat. about 4 P.M. Met Ranger and was talking about snakes when Johnson came up. Parker 

Transcription Notes:
This first page is blue ink written over penciled original. But the two texts do not exactly match. The bottom half of the second page is double-written the same way.