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Bought snack then reached Mackie Run Leanto. [[blue line separating days' entries]] In morn came to Antietam Leanto, talked to trout fisherman. Went on up grade to Snowy Mtn. Fire Tower. Met Boy Scout Troop 475 of Baltimore, on a 3 day hike from route 30 Pa to Route 40 Md. Talked then went on with weather threaten. Rain poured as I reach cabin at tower. Family not there, as planned. Waited a while, then went on [[end of page]] [[start of page]] and met Dad waiting at road crossing. Went S. Mtn. Sanatarium, waited for Anne to come off nursing duty. Then decided to go home with Dad and return next day with brother John. Checked gear [[blue line separating days' entries]] Ann had picnic while we ate at firetower. Woodie Baughman had come along. He hiked along to road and decided to hike along for a few days after going home for gear. I went on past Raccoon Run Leanto actually two small ones, very nice. Took pic
Transcription Notes:
[[blue ink over black pencil]]