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[[start of page]] Passed Caledonia Park many people. Took pic of Thaddeun Stevens Blacksmith Shop at rte 30 Went up mountain about two miles to Quarry Gap Leanto, left gear there and went back to Park to meet Woody. Saw John's truck parked so knew had missed them enroute. Caught up with them near leanto. Weather overcast and threatening. Woodie and I cooked and ate before starting on the folloing morning. Very cool weather [[end of page]] [[start of page]] May 31- Followed good well marked trail to Birch Run Leantos. killed cooperhead enrout. 5 boys of Baltimore at Leanto. Were very excited, night before they thot whip-poor-will was horned owl They gave us left over chow. I imitated whippoorwill, they said that was it. Went on and reached Big Flat Tower Went on to Pine Grove Furnace, turned aside to store Talked with men Duncan Harkin (PATC) who had hiked some of [[AT symbol]] Went on to White Stone Spring. Looked like rain so set up shelter with ponchos. night clear and cool Left early, arriving Tag Run Leantos.