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We left packs to go to spring. Woodie left Argus Camera, was gone when we came back. Went to nearby town to try to recover it. Left finally and reached Whiskey Spring Leanto before sunset and spent comfy night. In morning passed [[left margin]] (Wed) [[/left margin]] Long Mtn. Tower. Took pic. Came to Dogwood Run Trail where Woodie left to go home via Dillsburg. An hour later I came to Center Point Knob. snapped pic Went over White Rocks trail, took pics of trail and rocks. with Cumberland Vally in background. [[end page]] [[start page]] Passed [[Brandtsville ?]] pic of Yellow Breeches. Weather nice. [[insert]] Took pic of farm [[/insert]] Lots of road walking. took pic of Conodoguinet Creek. Arrived at Mtn. at dusk and camped in Lambs Gap. Thur Morning along trail toward Marysville, saw large blacksnake, which didn't run, then another later, at least 8 ft. was belligerant. struck at stick. About noon came to sign "Appalachian Trail continues across river Cross at Harrisburg bridge and take
Transcription Notes:
Ink over top of pencil