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Rockville car No, 5 to Linglestown Road. Have now hiked 25 miles past Center Point, total of 1050 miles. 1000 more to go. Caught a bus to Harrisberg and bought one pair new pants, 2 pr. socks, a spatula, a file, and had my boots resoled, a fine job by R&J Shoe Rebuilders at 4 N. 5th St. Rather than take the pack uptown to catch a bus, I walked [[insertion]] [[?]] m [[/insertion]] up the river front to the Linglestown road. Climbed mtn and followed ridge about 5 miles till I came to [[end page]] [[start page]] spring [[insertion]] Pletz Pass [[/insertion]] about 8:30 PM and camped there. Was so tired I could hardly stay awake to make supper + bed. Didn't even remove stones and sticks. Slept deeply, only woke once. [[pencil line separating days' entries]] In morn - followed along ridge, trail badly overgrown, not too well marked (Darlington Trail) The woods here are very tall and thriving. About noon came to Manada gap at route 443 Took 2 pics, one of stone block "erected 1936 to honor Runkle Bro's, Trail Supervisors Blue Mt. Eagle Climbing Club. Came to [[strikethrough]]Swatara Gap [[/strikethrough]] (Indiantown Gap) and got snarled up and walked several miles