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on roads before getting straightened out. By the time I had arrived on the next mtn I was ready to have a psychopathic hospital choose between me and the Blue Mtn Club. From the mtn. top at Indiantown Gap it becomes painfully apparent that this section has been neither cleared or painted since the war. However the trail is still traceable to a practiced eye and a rugged individual with tough clothing is still able to get through. I tried to reach Swatara Gap before dark but due to time lost at Indiantown was forced to dry camp on the mtn. top. [[end of page]] [[start of page]] The wind was from the south and I anticipated rain, but guessed rightly that it would not arrive before dawn. It rained briefly just after sunup but cleared after I reached the road at the Gap. Stopped and talked to man in house near bridge over Swatara creek. He lapsed into Pa. Deutch and I answered in English. He said that is how he and his son converse. Was living alone in a 14 room house. Went down to Lickdale for grub. Caught ride with man in model A Ford. Bought grub and was thumbing