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marathon anyway? And psyche answers in a mocking voice, to take pictures, amigo, to see if it can be done, for your health, to write a book, get along tough guy, get along. It was still raining when I fetched up at Allentown leanto in the [[insertion]] as wet as a witch after the water cure [[/insertion]] middle twilight and I found to my surprise that it was already occupied by three schoolboys who were celebrating the end of school by an overnight hike. They had things in pretty much of a jumble (greenhorns as they readily confessed) and I had [[end of page]] [[start of page]] quite a rugged night (they having arrived first and taken up the best places The father of one of them was there and due to the rain eventually stayed the night too. He is member of PA Trappers Asc and wants me to join. We had quite a talk. In the morn - Tues - June 8 - woods was very wet but sun shining. Am about to leave about 8:30 after leisurely breakfast and shave. Am in no hurry to start because of wet brush. Will have to hustle later to make up time. Spring for this shelter is about 1,000 yds downhill - Too far I think, Shelter should be nearer