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slope and thinking about lung developing, it occured to me that one could develope lungs in the mtns without hiking a step, just [[insertion]] blowing to [[/insertion]] start[[strikethrough]]ing[[/strikethrough]] campfires, in damp weather, that is if he didn't suffocate from smoke first. Weather now clearing, after I've passed most desirable panoramas. Trail from Lehigh Gap east is better kept, brush cleared last year, only weeds. Trail signs are correct, even specify whether a spring goes dry in hot weather or not. Came to Smith's Gap and went [[end page]] [[start page]] on several miles crossing power line and finally dry camping in the brush. No spring in sight. Trail brushy but not too bad. [[pencil line separating days' entries]] In morning (without breakfast. Arrived at Register point atop ridge Read register and its a gem. Some examples: You're right, we're fools, 3 hot house flowers from New York, from Delaware water gap to ? with 60 lb. packs. Are these the Appalachians or the Rockies Our feet feel like hamburgers. (Hope they never try Geo. and S. C.) [[blue line]] Sun & wind and the sound of rain, hunger and thirst and strife, God, to be on the trail [[end page]]