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camouflaged poncho but were warning all and sundry that their most feared enemy was near. When I moved one bounded out of view, the other stopped and turned its face with head held high, which is the way of a buck and gave me the once over. Then both wheeled back in view and left in the opposite direction. I took pic of shelter before leaving. Saw several more deer before arriving at Sunfish Pond, first natural lake I have seen on the trip. Took pic, weather overcast and [[end page]] [[start page]] cool. Passed Sand L. and Fairview Lake, took pics. Came to Harding L. where I found a well constructed nice located leanto, only trouble it was occupied by a horde of girl scouts, apparently could steal a truck load of bedrolls etc for no one is here, all swimming down at the lake. So I went on, looks like rain. Finally bedded down as best I could along the rocky ridge. Rain set in, lasted all night. Got very damp. In morn [[insert blue line dividing days]] Sun - still raining.