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[[pencil]] When life was hard and blood was quick to flow 
When [[/pencil]] [[strikethrough]] And [/strikethrough]] those who followed trails were not so tame. 
[[pencil]As I and such as I who stand alone 
In reverie upon this lofty stone [[/pencil]]
[[end page]] 

[[start page]] 
Shortly after, crossed road into burned over area, very bleak, many rugged ledges. Came to Arden road and entered Interstate park. Came to trail shelter on top of ridge overlooking Lake Tiorati. Shelter built on hugh rock. Cooked leisurely supper and went to sleep. Then commenced such a night as seems with coming of day to have been a nightmare. Wakened at 11:00 by clatter among kettles which I had let on ledge. Grabbed flashlight shone, saw gray form flee had ringed tail. Thot, uh oh, thats the raccoon man