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[[start page]] Mt. Wilcox. Previously passed Benedict Pond, where part of trail flooded. Hiked on arriving about 5:30 at Tyringham, where sent cards & bought supplies. Hiked on over good trail weather cool with breeze and continued till 8:45 camping under hemlocks on mtn. [[blue line separating daily entries]] Next morn (Sat.) reached Route 20 and about 11:00 A.M. met 2 members of Green Mt Club clearing trail. Later as I was cooking lunch two more - one was Vondell - of the board of directors ATC - Pres. Metawampe, v pres Green Mtn. Club. weather getting murky again. Passed through [[strikethrough]] cheshire [[/strikethrough]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Dalton and camped a mile farther on. [[blue line separating daily entries]] Next morn (Sun) over fair trail - weather, overcast - came to Cheshire. In town of [[line, to be filled in, with [[underline]] Cheshire [[/underline]] Mass, written underneath it]] Took pic of monument to Elder John Leland, eloquent preacher, beloved pastor, influential patriot father of religious liberty. (presented to Pres Thom Jefferson the Big Cheshire Cheese, weighing 1235 lbs. [[double blue line separating daily entries]] [[arrow pointing to lower section of previous page - 2 days prior]] Yesterday. From Washington, town house to Dalton, trail overgrown much of way and difficult to follow because of broken terrain. [[double blue line separating daily entries]] Went on to shelter on southern approach to Mt. Greylock and due to rain decided to