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Finally left just before noon. Climbed to summit of Mt. Lafayette as clouds closed in. Followed trail to Galehead Hut where Hutmaster gave me tea. Went on and stopped at Zeacliff Shelter for night. Rained heavily just after arrival.
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In morn had cleared, and very cold. Marsh Pipers peeped in Pond during night and I could blow my breath to the ceiling in morn. Went on to Zea[[strikethrough]]cliff[[/strikethrough]]land Hut, No one there, so went on down Notch of same name. flat trail for a change
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Took Pic of Zealand Falls, and of trail thru spruce. Came to Willey House Sta. Spent several hrs trying to locate Mt. Carrigain, to get letter with money. 
Finally arrived at Willey House but people gone for evening. Walked back up to trail and camped on Webster Mtn.
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In morn walked back down for letter, then tried to catch ride to Bartlett or Conway to get color film  Beautiful day and hate to miss Mt. Wash. Took 2 hrs. then two very charming
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