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In morn - fine clear day again. Took Osgood Cutoff [[AT symbol]] toward Pinkham Notch. Arrived about 1030 Met Joe Dodge, manager of AMC Hut system. Went on over Wildcat range to Carter Notch Hut crew treated me swell, gave me chocolate bars. Went on and reached Imp shelter at dark. Trail very good weather closing in.
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In morn, weather cleared somewhat. Since its Sun. and stores closed I am remaining here till noon and will move on P.M. so I am not far from
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Gorham tomorrow and can get mail etc: In afternoon hiked through Gorham and camped near power house to north. Mosquitos very bad at night.
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Morning - went to Gorham, picked up mail, found no [[Amco?]] film, took bus to Berlin and finally got film in Dales Radio Store. man took one roll from his camera, got two. Hunted all over town for powdered milk, finally took bus back to Gorham and got some there. Got underway on trail about 2:30 PM and started over Mahoosuc range. Like it very much Lots