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Sundy June 24 - Continued
This is the 4th Sunday spent on board the "George Henry" since leaving the States - the 27th day out. I am glad to say that the ship's company exhibit excellent demeanor relative to the observance of the Sabbath. The "George Henry" has a small but carefully selected library on board, furnished by the house of Williams & Haven under whose auspices the ship is making her voyage. The works of which this library is composed, is kindly distributed now & then by Capt. B. among the officers & crew who seem thankful for the privilege extended to them to read good books. It would be well if other Houses engaged in fitting out vessels would follow the example here set. It would be well for humanity if other Commanders would feel the interest for their officers & men in advancing them to a [[strikethrough]] proper [[/strikethrough]] high moral tone - instilling into their
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June 24/60 
minds sentiments of respect for themselves, their comrads - their neighbors - mankind - God, as does Capt. Sidney P. Buddington. 
I rejoice that I have so noble a man to care for [[underlined]] me [[/underlined]] - to sympathize with me in My Mission - to help me in carrying it out as he [[strikethrough]] [[by ?]] [[/strikethrough]] whom I have just named.
I thank God that so noble - so generous co-operating instruments of His have been thrown around me while presenting this Work in which I am engaged - Henry Grinnell, Esq. of New York is one of God's noblest Works. [[underlined]] He is an honest Man [[/underlined]] - that is: he loves his neighbor as himself & he Worships God. The world far and near knows his nobleness, his goodness. Were it not for him the great work to which I am devoted would have failed. His heart was in the Cause - he contributed far more than any other