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[[pencil]] 30 [[/pencil]]
the lusty old Dane hung over the [[strikethrough]] sh [[/strikethrough]] Brig's side a ponderous ebony-board upon which was chalked in White '49°-20' ' Thus holding it a moment, we saw him turn his head broadside to us & encircling his massive Ear by [[strikethrough]]as [[/strikethrough]] his trumpet-shaped-hand as if to say: 'Now let us have Yours!'
Capt B. in Stentorious voice answered '53-30!'
   If a LIV pounder had been shot from the "George Henry" then [[insertion]]our [[/insertion]] Scandinavian [[insertion]] Commander [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[Sea Captain?]] [[/strikethrough]] could not have jumped higher than [[strikethrough]] he did [[/strikethrough]] on [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] this [[/insertion]] announcement. Then giving our ship to the glorious breeze that [[insertion]] was [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] dancing to danes service, away [[insertion]] she [[/insertion]] bounded like a thing of life.
As long as we could see the "Meriame" of Copenhagen [[strikethrough]] one of [[/strikethrough]] a vessel bearing the [[insertion]] Royal [[/insertion]] [[underline 3 times]] GH." [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] encircled [[/strikethrough]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[pencil]] 31 [[/pencil]]
[[insertion]] wreathed [[/insertion]] by laurel branches, & crested by the imperial Crown, [[underline]] She was still following in our wake [[/underline]] apparently [[strikethrough]] concerned [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] showing [[/insertion]] that [[strikethrough]]a [[/strikethrough]] Danish [[insertion]] Brigs & Danish [[/insertion]] Dead-Reckoning [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] would henceforth be [[/insertion]] counted as [[underline]] dead [[/underline]] when compared with a [[underline]] Yankee[[/underline]]'s ship [[insertion]] with a Yankee crew &[[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] - and T [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Yankee [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]]time [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Clocks [[/underline]]!

"Cudlargo" was removed from [[insertion]] his tent on [[/insertion]] deck to his "bunk" to day.

[bleeding through page, and wearing of paper]