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[[space to be filled in with the name of a ship]] on a [[insertion]] whaling [[/insertion]] voyage he lost 13 of his men by scurvy. 
Said Capt B. 'I am not afraid of losing any more men while I have command over them by Scurvy -  Whenever there are appearances of it aboard, I will have every Pork & Beef Barrell - salt provision of every kind - hauled up at once & every man shall live upon bread & [[underlined]] fresh [[/underline]] provision such as whale, walrus, Seal, deer, [[insertion]] bear [[/insertion]] ptarmigin duck etc. etc.

Mr Rogers stated that in 1856 he went on a whaling voyage to the South Sea [[space to be filled in]] & that during the year [[space to be filled in]] scurvy broke out among the crew & 9 [[insertion]] more seriously effected & one [[/insertion]] Died of it all from eating Salt provision. Said he: 'Those who had it seemed [[underlined]] determined to die [[/underlined]], for against all reasoning & advice they would have salt
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pork in preference to fresh game such as ducks, eggs etc which they had in abundance.

Capt Buddington says that it is a fact that the person who has the scurvy desires just that kind of food which he should not have, &, as a general rule, the same person effected will go almost any length to obtain it, [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough [[insertion]] not [[/insertion]]withstanding he is well aware that death must follow in this [[insertion]] contumacious [[/insertion]] course.
Capt. B. believes that the usual Salt provision supplied to whaling vessels is Godforbidden food.

By observations we are now (Noon) in
  Lat  61°-50'-00" N.
  Long.56°-00'-06" W.
(Noon) We have [[insertion]] still the [[/insertion]] breeze from the S.W. which is now on