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[[pencil]] 79 [[/pencil]] 
[[The first half of the page is bordered in ink, highlighting the penciled names within.]] 
Govenni Olberg
Minister Tijer
[[ink]] x [[/ink]] Fröken [[ink]] x [[/ink]] Bülow [[ink]] x [[/ink]] Lady

Brigg. Baldict Martex Oeken
Capt Holböle
[[/ink border]]

(Continued from proceeding page)
Twelve O'Clock, low Meridian, (mid night) (I use this in distinction of high Meridian (mid day) - was approaching, every man Captain & the ships-officers & crew, save the portion of watch off duty, below and asleep stood, around me awaiting the anxious moment when the Sun would cease its downward course & [[insertion]] commence to [[/insertion]] return.
The "George Henry" was sweeping gently along, beating up [[insertion]] Northerly & easterly against the [[strikethrough]] Southerly [[/strikethrough]] wind.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[pencil]] 80 [[/pencil]]
From the larboard-side we peered out upon the glorious scene. With my Azimuth Compass resting upon the Bulwarke, my eye every other moment upon it & the [[strikethrough]] the other [[/strikethrough] [[insertion]] interspersed  [[/insertion]] moments upon [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] my watch which had just been placed in correspondence with the [[insertion]] Ships [[/insertion]] Chronometer below, I, at length announced the wished for moment: 12 O'clock. Cheer, [[insertion]] - Cheer [[/insertion]] upon Cheer followed from that Ship's Company. Time passed on, the Sun was slowly on its upward track. At 1st its motion was imperceptible [[strikethrough]] [[nearly?]] [[strikethrough]] nevertheless it was rising.
At the instant I gave the word of the Sun's low meridian [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] the Sun was true North - the North Pole of the Magnetic Needle was pointing 70 Degrees West of true North - [[insertion in pencil]] near [[/insertion]] 6 Points West of the North Pole & Star. This I determined by my own personal observations. I continued to watch the upward & onward progress of the Sun in Ceasing its [[strikethrough]] decl [[/strikethrough]] fall & commencing its rise at true North. I followed