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[[in pencil]] [[strikethrough]] 116 [[/strikethrough]]
113 [[/in pencil]]

Wednesday, July 11th, 1860

Fogs now prevail - Hardly a mosquito has been seen since Sunday. A singular fact to me that a warm [[insertion]] sunshine [[/insertion]] day will bring [[strikethrough]] out [[/strikethrough]] myriads around you [[insertion]] here in the Arctic Circle [[/insertion]] making it almost intolerable when if it be foggy [[insertion]] or [[/insertion]] cool none are to be seen. How I am smarting & itching all over [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] with [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] more than 1000 bites [[/underlined]] of the Musquitos [[strikethrough]] of three days ago [[/strikethrough]] inflicted from [[strikethrough]] three [[/strikethrough]] 9 o'clock A.M. to 12 o'clock three hours - just three days ago! My arms, back, neck & lower limbs are covered with the mounds of that little insect so familiar to the States people. This morning the Esquimaux tell us that the "Rescue" [[strikethrough]] has been [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] was [[/insertion]] seen yesterday by some of their people - far out to sea. Thus we see that the Esquimaux
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[[in pencil]] 114 [[strikethrough]] 117 [[/strikethrough]]  [[/in pencil]]

are quite as smart as civilized white folks in getting News and publishing it.

To-day I enjoyed a Capital sight! One of the Esquimaux turned somersaults [[insertion]] in the water seated [[/insertion]] in his ]]insertion]] kayack [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] canoe [[/strikethrough]] over & over him & his [[insertion]] kayack [[/insertion]] went till we cried: Enough! And [[underlined]] yet he wet only his hands and face! [[/underlined]] This is a feat performed only by a few. It requires great skill and strength to do it. [[underlined]] One miss [[/underlined]] in the stroke of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] paddle as they pass [[insertion]] from [[/insertion]] the centre (when their head and body are under water) to the surface might terminate fatally. No one will attempt this feat, however, unless a companion in his kayack is near.
The next feat was [[insertion]] for an Esquimaux [[/insertion]] to run his kayack while he is in it over another. Getting some distance between him & the kayack he intends to run over, He strikes briskly [insertion]] & pushes [[/insertion]] forward. [[strikethrough]] Then [[/strikethrough]] In an instant the kayack is over, having struck [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]]
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