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[[in pencil]] 119 [[/in pencil]]

Commander Lamb gave some of the incidents of the last few days sail. Has been 10 days within 60 miles of [[strikethrough]] Greenland [[/strikethrough]] Holsteinborg Harbor. Seen visitors here before - when he approached the coast fog would gather around him - 1st would see breakers all around him - these would stand out. Telling his story L. swore some, Capt. B. reminded him of his fault, said I never swore a word all the way from Home till day before yesterday when he could stand it no longer - the only failing he then had was he could not do justice to the subject. [[insertion]] This morning [[/insertion]] saw a speck sustained on the water - looked again could see nothing - went to the mast head - saw what soon proved to be a boat - After a while could see that it was one of the George Henry's - then caught a [[insertion]] {{distinguishing?]] [[/insertion]] look of Capt. B. - The happiest moment of Capt. L. life! Swore he never would be caught in another such scrape in the "Rescue"!
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[[in pencil]] 120 [[/in pencil]]

Thursday July 12th / 60

The morning opens with rain. The purpose of Capt. B. is to start for the Whaling ground on the other side of Davis Straits by the 20th.  I must do much work in that time - write a doz and more of letters - pour over the Cloud-Capped Mountains back in the interior - make sketches - visit the Governor etc. etc.
"Otto" & "Lars" came aboard this morning - took their height the former a Stout, Chubby specimen of an Esquimaux stood 5 feet-3 inches the latter [[insertion]] (thin) [[/insertion]] 5-8
While here Capt. [[insertion]] Buddington [[/insertion]] asked Lars - "What for (amount) you [[insertion]] go [[/insertion]] to [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Westland (Cumberland Inlet) with me?
Ans. - "My mother old man - she [[strikethrough]] got [[/strikethrough]] get no dinner! -- My little ones die."  Capt. Walker [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] of a [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] Schot [[/strikethrough]] Scotland Whaler