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[in pencil]] 129 [[/in pencil]]

climbing mountains, fighting Musquitos discovering lake and surveying it she had given us [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] sharp appetites. 
Arriving at a point overlooking "Sterry's Lake" at the East, "Davis Straits" & the numerous islands around to the South and West - the vast sides of mountains at the South & S.E. covered with snow we decided to have our dinner there. We had but one [[insertion]] Duck's [[/insertion]] Egg & three fishes - the fishes hard on to an inch & one half in length. Taking our position beside of of a huge rock which shielded us from the cold wind [[insertion]] then [[/insertion]] sweeping down the mountains we discussed the matter of dividing [[strikethrough]] the egg [[/strikethrough]] our Egg. Sterry suggested that I have [[strike through]] it [[/strike through]] it, but I could not be so unmindful of my duty to a companion as to eat all and he have nothing. The thought occured that two holes might be made - one in each end of the egg that both could commence at the same time "sucking [[insertion]] till all was gone [[/insertion]] thus sharing [[insertion]] equally [[/insertion]] the egg! but then the name of Egg.
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[[in pencil]] 130 [/in pencil]]

Sucker! Sucking an Egg! We thought of dividing it with a knife - There was danger of losing all. We thought of having a hole in an end and letting a part run out onto a stone & the remainder eating it from the shell. All our proposit [insertion]] ions [/insertion]] were abandoned. Actually with calm purpose, did we attempt a feasible way of diving the egg equally. The Egg Question became a feature with us. It took Columbus to resolve the "Egg Question" of his day into a practicable demonstration. The learned men around Columbus could not tell how an egg could be made to stand on end. Columbus took an Egg in his [[strikethrough]] hand [[/strikethrough]] fingers cupped the end of it just forcibly enough as to flatten its end [[strikethrough]] [[illegible word]] [[/strikethrough]] & behold there it stood! [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] Columbus who gave us a New World resolved that matter relative to the Egg. Who [[strikethrough]] should [[/strikethrough]] was to decide the modern Egg difficulty.
Eggs perform [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] great Work in this world!